
A Practical View of the Prevailing Religious System of Professed Christians is unavailable, but you can change that!

A man of strong conviction and faith, William Wilberforce shook England’s contented Christians from their spiritual slumber with the publication of A Practical View of Christianity. After recounting his own finding of Christ and the impact it made in his life, Wilberforce’s book confronts his fellow countrymen as “nominal” Christians, complacent in being Christian in name only. By accepting the...

and their ordinary conduct; and let us ask, wherein can we discern the points of discrimination between them and acknowledged unbelievers? In an age wherein it is confessed and lamented that infidelity abounds, do we observe in them any remarkable care to instruct their children in the principles of the faith which they profess, and to furnish them with arguments for the defence of it? They would blush, on their child’s coming out into the world, to think him defective in any branch of that knowledge,
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